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 Post subject: FAQ: Licensing and Upgrades
 Post Posted: Tue May 10, 2005 6:36 pm 
Railroad & Co.

I would like to take this opportunity to point out some details about the terms and conditions, that apply to the use of our software. The following frequently asked questions about licensing and upgrades shall provide information in addition to the official licensing conditions. These conditions are displayed during installation of our software. They can also be found in the Help menu of each installed program.

:?: What is a license and what does purchase of a license mean?
Answer: In our case the license represents the timely not limited right to use a certain version of the concerning product according to the license conditions. Purchase of a license means purchase of this right. Attention: The software itself is not purchased nor sold. Subject of a license purchase is the right to use the software. This can be compared with the rent of a thing (vs. the purchase of a thing). In our case the "rent" does not depend on the time of usage. It is kind of flat rate. A license is normally only valid for the version it has been purchased for.

:?: What is a license code?
Answer: A license code is a mean to protect our software against unauthorized use. License codes are delivered at our own discretion as text (usually by email), which must be entered into the software with the keyboard of the computer, or as hardware device, which must be plugged in into the computer, while the software is running.

:?: I have received my license code on a USB memory stick. What do I do with it?
Answer: This memory stick must be plugged in into the computer, while the software is running.

:?: I have received my license code on a USB memory stick. How can I use the software on more than one computer?
Answer: If only one of these computers is connected with an actual model railroad layout, then the memory stick must only be plugged in into this computer. On other computers, which are not connected to a model railroad layout, you can use the software in offline demo mode without stick, where the limitations of the demo mode (i.e. termination of the connection to the layout after 15-20 minutes after program start) do not cause an effect.

:?: I purchased my code from an unknown person (e.g. by EBay). What do I have to take into account?
Answer: Please be very careful in such situation! In the majority of such cases the codes offered in this way are not valid and not legal! Please contact us as soon as possible to check, whether you have actually purchased a valid license. As long as this check is not done you must not enter the code into the software and you must not use the software with this code! Anyway you should try to make a mental note of the identity of the seller in order to be able to take appropriate measures in case the code is not legal.

:?: I purchased my code from an unknown person (e.g. by EBay) and used it without contacting Freiwald Software. What to do now?
Answer: If it is actually an illegal code, then you are in an embarrassing situation. Imagine the following situation: you catch somebody sitting in your car. He has opened and started your car with a picklock. He claims, that he purchased the assumed key "legally" from an unknown person (e.g. by EBay). What would you do with this person in such situation? The best you can do is "Hands Off!", if an unknown person offers you a license. And if you couldn't resist you should contact us as soon as possible.

:?: I entered a code to unlock the software, which does not represent a valid license or is illegal, respectively. What will happen now?
Answer: This is a clear case of software piracy! In such cases we demand at least a retroactive payment for the use of the concerning version of the software. In return you will receive a retroactive license to use this version of the software. At any rate we reserve to make a report to the legal authorities for further prosecution of such cases of software piracy.

:?: What has to be taken into account for upgrade purchases?
Answer: If you purchased the licenses of the previous version from an authorized dealer or directly from us, then it is sufficient to ensure to order the right upgrade, that fits to the version of the software, that you are currently using. Please note, a legal chain of licenses must always begin with a full license (i.e. not with an upgrade).

:?: Do I have to show my complete license history when ordering an upgrade?
Answer: No. If you purchased your previous licenses directly from us or from an authorized dealer, then your license codes are stored in our database. We take this automatically into account when processing your upgrade order. You do not have to bother with this.

:?: I am using the current version of the software with the code of a friend. Is this permitted?
Answer: Certainly not! This is a violation of the license conditions.

:?: I would like to share a license with my friend and want to purchase one license for both of us. Is this possible?
Answer: No, this is certainly not allowed, too. Licenses are rights, that are bound to a single person. A person can be a legal person, too. For example a license issued to a club may be used on the club's own computer by several members of the club during a club meeting. The appropriate usage of a license can be compared with reading of a book. As it is impossible to read from the same book at distant locations at the same time, so it is not allowed to start the software simultaneously with the same license code on different computers. But it is possible to read to other listeners from the same book. The use of a club license is to be understood in this sense, too.

:?: Is it possible to "heal" a license violation of a previous version of the software by purchasing an upgrade to the current version?
Answer: No. A legal chain of licenses must always begin with a legal full license perhaps followed by one or more legal upgrade licenses.

:?: My friend gave me the upgrade code, that is needed to order an upgrade by Internet. May I use this code to get a working license code at a lower price?
Answer: Certainly not. Trying to use this code without being entitled to do so is pointless. We check each upgrade order with our database of registered licenses.

:?: What will happen, if I order an upgrade without being entitled to do so?
Answer: We will deny your order. Any fees are charged, that are caused by reversal of such unjustified upgrade orders.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards
Freiwald Software
Railroad & Co.
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