Board index » English Forums » Announcement & Information  » Version 9.0 A3 - Problems and Solutions

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 Post subject: Version 9.0 A3 - Problems and Solutions
 Post Posted: Thu Feb 22, 2018 1:30 pm 
Railroad & Co.

:arrow: Affected Product:
TrainController Gold - Version 9.0 A3

:arrow: Problem:
Use of the schedule rule Use oldest block or route may cause the crash manager to appear during the execution of a schedule.

:arrow: Details:
This problem occurs only if the schedule rule Use oldest block or route is activated. It can also occur for spontaneous and AutoTrain runs.

:arrow: Workaround:
Turn off the rule Use oldest block or route.

:arrow: Status:
Fix in Version 9.0 A4.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards
Freiwald Software
Railroad & Co.
 Post subject: Re: Version 9.0 A3 - Problems and Solutions
 Post Posted: Sun Feb 25, 2018 12:16 pm 
Railroad & Co.

:arrow: Affected Product:
TrainController Gold - Version 9.0 A3

:arrow: Problem:
The documentation gives the wrong impression that the query or display of temperature, voltage, or current is supported for Uhlenbrock boosters.

:arrow: Details:
Documentation problem. Query or display of the temperature, current or voltage of Uhlenbrock boosters is not supported in the current version 9.0A3 and until further notice.

:arrow: Workaround:
Ignore the descriptions of Uhlenbrock boosters in the documentation.

:arrow: Status:
Update of the help information in Version 9.0 A4.
An update of the program description and the change description has already been published with Version 02.2018.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards
Freiwald Software
Railroad & Co.
 Post subject: Re: Version 9.0 A3 - Problems and Solutions
 Post Posted: Sat Mar 24, 2018 4:07 pm 
Railroad & Co.

:arrow: Affected Product:
TrainController - Version 9.0 A3

:arrow: Problem:
When attempting to release a block in a situation where this is not allowed, TrainController may crash.

:arrow: Details:
For example, if you try to drag&drop a train, that is currently not controlled by a schedule, from one block to another while the program is in the frozen state (release of blocks is not allowed in this situation), the program may crash. For trains that are currently controlled by a schedule, this crash does not occur.

:arrow: Workaround:
Do not remove trains from blocks if this is not allowed - for example, not in frozen state.

:arrow: Status:
Elimination of the crash in version 9.0 A4. The removal of a train from a block will of course remain forbidden in situations where this is not allowed.

Mit freundlichem Gruß / Best regards
Freiwald Software
Railroad & Co.
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